Mulch is offered in bulk quantities and in a variety of colors. If you need to color match, we would be happy to help. At MYP, we stock hardwood mulches and cedar mulch, offering both natural and safely-dyed, color options. Please ask if there is a mulch option.
Tip: Typically cedar breaks down more slowly and therefore is best for erosion control, weed retention and moisture retention. Meanwhile, hardwood will break down more quickly allowing for the nutrients to pass along to the soil at a faster rate.
Before mulching, remove all weeds and debris. At this time it is also a good idea to loosen the soil around your plants to allow for more nutrient and water absorption. A level surface is optimal while an edged area and landscape fabric can further restrict weed growth and contain the mulch to desired spaces.
Mulch should be spread or raked to reach a depth of 2-4 inches. Make sure the mulch is sitting loosely as too much compaction can negatively affect the plants and soil being covered.
Periodically loosen the mulch and even out the surface. This will allow the benefits of mulch to continue for all areas.